Sunday, 15 March 2015

Thursday16th March set work

In your mentor pairs, research the following - you have 30 mins.
1 student looks at:  

Prezi - Case Study Prosumers & Mash Ups
Prezis - Case Study 1: Prosumer & Mash Ups 

Update the Case Study with supplementary research - how was this album released when it was a compilation of music?

How did it perform in the music/download/streaming charts (look at online distribution platforms for the numbers)

Student 2 looks at:
Beck Songreader
Beck Prezi

Update the Case Study with supplementary research - who is he signed to now? Is he still Mashing Up?

Look up Mash Ups (wiki, youtube, other websites) - what type of music and music events does this create an audience for (dance music festivals, youtube channels, is it now a genre in itself?)

How did this perform in the music/download/streaming charts (look at online distribution platforms for the numbers)
To demonstrate:
In your mentor pairs, (bacl together now) - create a popplet to apply the following words to this Case Study, and outline (sentences) how these Case Studies compare to your Case Study on Majors and Indie Labels:

1. Digital Technology & Production
2. Audience's participation/collaboration, creating relationship with the audience
3. Digital Technology & Distribution
4. Digital Technology & Exchange

You have 30 mins

Here is some help for the comparison
Beck vs Xfactor compare points & argue
Compare Beck & Xfactor Case Studies

Lesson Plan 1

Task: define the terms with examples
Digitechs effect - argumernts - Purity, Visualisation, Recycling
Paticipatory Culture

essay structure:

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