Thursday, 1 May 2014

Lesson 5.2 Essay structure and how to answer

  • Starter:
Evidence from your case studies - what has caused this to happen?

Write up a statement using the key words: Institutions, Audiences, Media, Digital Technology, Synergy

Create Meaning:
4 essay titles

identify the key words
link the relevant terminology words & case studies
rewrite the question into a statement

Post the 4 question Mind Maps here

Create Meaning: Essay Plan
Deconstruct the essays from the marked exemplars last year - reduce them into "key word boxes" and create an essay plan - 

"To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied?"

1. What was their answer (introduction) - to what extent does it and why/how?
2. What evidence/points did they use to respond to the question (look for key words)?
3. What Case Studies were used and how were they compared/contrasted

Apply to demonstrate - In groups of 4 Class Essay in Paragraphs

5 mins 
Read the question - extent/discuss?
Translate the question - use terminology words
Re write the question into what you think it is asking you to argue

5 mins: THINK & prove against your Case Studies
Plan your response using your 4+ grids (as we did on class) with your 4 Case Studies
Apply the terminology from the question you translated - how does it fit/what does it have to offer?
Write notes into each corner & look for OPPOSITES - contrasting examples that match the question
Go around & look for different positions on the 4 arguments:
  • PDE blended
  • Visualisation  (style over substance)
  • Participatory Audience/Relationship
  • Purity/Devaluing Music/Blander & Staler or Diverse & Exciting
Introduction: Answer the Question
What Argument(s) are relevant here, how do the 4 Case Studies differ, what does this show about the changes/behaviours and practices in the Music Industry from traditional (Musicopoly)? What is the effect on audience and artists? What's the cause of all this? Remember they all blend PDE so look for this as a response

Main Body
Paragraph 1: Major Labels adjusting with the times - 'connect or die' 
Point (relevance to answering the question)
Example: Sony/Syco/Xfactor/1D
Analysis: How this addresses the specific Key Words of the question & backs up your Thesis/Answer

Paragraph 2: Indies
Point (relevance to answering the question - argument)
Example: Your Indie Label Case Study)
Analysis: How this addresses the specific Key Words of the question & Compares to the Case Study above - differences & argument
Paragraph 3: Prosumers
Point (relevance to answering the question - argument)
Example: (Madeon and your student case study)
Analysis: How this addresses the specific Key Words of the question & Compares to the Case Studies above - differences/changes & argument
Paragraph 4: DIY (Beck 'Score' & Songreader tech - argument)
Point (relevance to answering the question)
Example: Your Label Case Study)
Analysis: How this addresses the specific Key Words of the question & Compares to the Case Study above - differences & argument
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Summarise your Argument and how this answers the question (There are 4:
  • PDE blended
  • Visualisation  (style over substance)
  • Participatory Audience/Relationship
  • Purity/Devaluing Music/Blander & Staler or Diverse & Exciting

Attempt one of the questions from above you have not done in class.

Follow the timings (45 min essay posted to your blog)
5 mins 
Read the question - extent/discuss?
Translate the question - use terminology words
Re write the question into what you think it is asking you to argue

5 mins: THINK & prove against your Case Studies
Plan your response using your 4+ grids (as we did on class) with your 4 Case Studies
Apply the terminology from the question you translated - how does it fit/what does it have to offer?
Write notes into each corner & look for OPPOSITES - contrasting examples that match the question
Go around & look for different positions on the 4 arguments:
  • PDE blended
  • Visualisation  (style over substance)
  • Participatory Audience/Relationship
  • Purity/Devaluing Music/Blander & Staler or Diverse & Exciting 
5 mins: THINK what is you answer?
>Write your Introduction - 2 sentences that ANSWERS THE QUESTION - to what extent or discuss the issues

25 minutes
Now write your answer (Main Body). Use your grids as your plan: 1 paragraph for each Case Study

5 mins
Proof read your essay response
Sum up with a conclusion - predictions for music, your own opinion relevant to the question - make sure you give an extent answer & sum up your balance.

Post to your blog for class next week

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