New Info:
- Xfactor Prezi
- Beck Prezi
- Beck Songreader
- Syco Prezi
- Prezi - Case Study Prosumers & Mash Ups
- Prezis - Case Study 1: Prosumer & Mash Ups
Happy Easter
It looks like a lot but you should be Splitting all the work across your Prosumer teams of 3/4
It looks like a lot but you should be Splitting all the work across your Prosumer teams of 3/4
Task 1.
S plit this task up with your Mentor partners
S plit this task up with your Mentor partners
Case Study Research & Presentation: Syco & Xfactor & One Direction
1. Read through the Case Study on Would I Lie to You & update using One Direction as your Case Study for this year:
Case Study Would I Lie to You? Syco & Sony
Look carefully for information of PDE, Visualisation, Soundscape, Cross Media Promotion (Synergy) Convergence, and relationship between Syco & Sony
Look carefully for information of PDE, Visualisation, Soundscape, Cross Media Promotion (Synergy) Convergence, and relationship between Syco & Sony
2. Research One Direction & their releases: Have they used any songs on Sony's back catalogue to re-image/brand and release (look at their weekly releases over the show on itunes - who owns the rights to this song, are they subsidiaries of Sony Records?)
3. How are One Direction is promoted & distributed (after and including Xfactor), how successful they are (sales, downloads, news articles, online games, advertising, Brit awards). How can do they create relationship with their audience?
4. How does XFactor Produce, Market, Distribute & Exchange music and & how does this relate to Sony's back catalogue?
5. Look at the Case Study again at the section on Chase & Status, Daft Punk
How is Xfactor 'Visualising' music?
How is Xfactor using back catalogues as a 'Soundscape'?
6. Research Syco - how is it set up across different Media - TV, Music, Film, Online - what projects are they involved in and how do they cross promote (synergy)
7. How was Xfactor 2012 promoted this year across different Media (newspapers/scandals, magazines, TV/Youtube adverts, online, chart positions, itunes, twitter, facebook, music videos)
How to lay it out -
Organise your presentation by analysing Syco, Xfactor & Sony relate to the what you understand the following terms to mean:
Organise your presentation by analysing Syco, Xfactor & Sony relate to the what you understand the following terms to mean:
- Production
- Distribution & Marketing
- Exchange
- Consumption
- Convergence
- Creating Relationship with the Audience
- Cross Promotion/Synergy
- Vertical Integration (Musicopoly)
- Subsidary & Multinational Conglomerate
- Visualisation (see Case Study below)
- Soundscape (see Case Study below & making the track task for definition)
Task 3
Split this task up with your Prosumer partners
Case Study Research & Presentation: Beck 'Score' & Song Reader
Collect as much information as possible on our comparative Case StudyResearch and find out as much as you can about this project & the artist.
Apply to the following terms:
1. Prosumer
2. Creating relationship with audience (fans)
3. Production
4. Distribution & Marketing
5. Exchange
6. Visualisation
How many different interpretations can you find of the same song (pick another besides Do We, We Do)
Compare the different version of the songs on the track listing - keep track of where thet are to be found:
Collect evidence:
What kind of feedback has this album had (newspapers, comments on social networks)?
Who is the audience for this album (social networks?)
What happens when the audience become more involved and collaberate?
How is this compare to One Direction & Syco?
Is this devaluing music or is it increasing its worth?
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