Friday, 3 May 2013

Homework - Tues 7th May - Mock Exam

Timed essay - 45 mins - follow the timings please

To what extent do you agree that the

5 mins 
Read the question - extent/discuss?
Translate the question - use terminology words
Re write the question into what you think it is asking you to argue

5 mins: THINK & prove against your Case Studies
Plan your response using your 4+ grids (as we did on class) with your 4 Case Studies
Apply the terminology from the question you translated - how does it fit/what does it have to offer?
Write notes into each corner & look for OPPOSITES - contrasting examples that match the question
Go around & look for different positions on the 4 arguments:

  • PDE blended
  • Visualisation  (style over substance)
  • Participatory Audience/Relationship
  • Purity/Devaluing Music/Blander & Staler or Diverse & Exciting

Remember they all blend PDE so look for this as a response

5 mins: THINK what is you answer?
>Write your Introduction - 2 sentences that ANSWERS THE QUESTION - to what extent or discuss the issues

25 minutes
Now write your answer (Main Body). Use your grids as your plan: 1 paragraph for each Case Study

5 mins
Proof read your essay response
Sum up with a conclusion - predictions for music, your own opinion relevant to the question - make sure you give an extent answer & sum up your balance.

Post to your blog for class next week

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